Native Yoga Toddcast
It’s challenging to learn about yoga when there is so much information conveyed in a language that often seems foreign. Join veteran yoga teacher and massage therapist, Todd McLaughlin, as he engages weekly with professionals in the field of yoga and bodywork through knowledgable and relatable conversation. If you want to deepen your understanding of yoga and bodywork practices, don’t miss an episode!
Native Yoga Toddcast
Ruslana Remennikova ~ Healing Frequencies: How Sound Transforms Our DNA
Ruslana Remennikova, a scientist, author, and sound practitioner, holds degrees in biology and chemistry. With a background in pharmaceutical chemistry, particularly in vaccine sciences, she transitioned to sound healing and spiritual work. Her book, Activating Our 12-Stranded DNA, explores the role of sound in DNA and human evolution, blending science with spirituality.
Visit her website: https://ruslanaremennikova.com/
Register for livestream event here
Key Takeaways:
- Ruslana explores the potential evolution of human DNA beyond the double helix structure into a more complex and capable form, influenced by sound and frequency.
- The book "Activating Our 12 Stranded DNA" encompasses Ruslana's theories and experiments, integrating elements of ancient wisdom, modern science, and spiritual dimensions.
- Sound healing is not only a spiritual experience but also has proven physiological effects, making it a valuable tool in clinical environments.
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Welcome to Native Yoga Toddcast, so happy you are here. My goal with this channel is to bring inspirational speakers to the mic in the field of yoga, massage, body work and beyond. Follow us at @nativeyoga and check us out at Native Yoga Center.com. All right, let's begin. Hello and welcome to Native Yoga Toddcast. Ah, well, first of all, I think what's really amazing is that this, for me, personally, running this podcast show this channel, is just one of my most favorite things to do. I absolutely love it. So number one, thank you so much for tuning in. I'm very happy you're here. And part of why I say that is because my next guest, Ruslana Remennikova, is a sound healer, and visit her on her website. It is ruslanaremennikova.com and I have that in the link or the description, click on it. You can follow her on Instagram. She has a handle, which is@Ruslana.remennikova. And she has a new book called Activating Our 12 Completing Our Human Evolution. She has a science background. She's worked in that field for many years, and she believes in the power of sound and the power of sound to heal. And with that being said, because she's touring Florida right now and doing a book tour to announce and promote the release of her new book. She's going to be here at Native Yoga Center on Monday, January 27 and we are together doing what is called The Resonance Retreat, and it's a dual lead exploration of mind and sound. It's going to be 7:15pm eastern time to 8:30pm and we're also going to offer it on our live stream. So there's a link, and you can click on that, you can sign up for it, and then I will email you the Zoom link if you would like to join in. So, Ruslana is offering this on donation basis. So if you'd like to donate something to Ruslana, I know she'll be greatly appreciated, because, you know she's moving around, she's traveling. And so with all that being said, yeah, how fun. How cool. I'm stoked this evolved into an actual in person event after getting able to meet and speak with a really fascinating podcast guest. So with that being said, let's welcome Ruslana Remennikova, here we go. Oh man, I'm so happy to have this chance to meet and speak with Ruslana Remennikova. Ruslana, thank you so much for joining me today. How are you doing? I'm doing so great. You know, it's funny when you ask the question, how are you doing? That's becoming so obsolete nowadays, and when you said it, it took me back, and I felt so refreshed, in a cellular way. I felt so hydrated. So thank you for asking. How are you doing? Of course, I'm I'm doing really well. I've had an amazing I've had a really good day. I finished, I'm almost finished with a book that was is so powerful. It had me in tears today. It was just amazing, which I'm just grateful for having the opportunity to read a book that makes moves me so much. So I think that'd probably be my highlight, to be honest. Yeah, you'll have to share what book that is. Can't leave course, right? It's called the sun does shine by Ray Hinton, and I won't spoil the storyline. All I'm gonna say is I think it's one of those books that everybody has to read because the person, the main character, who wrote it, goes through the most unbelievable, horrible situation and learns how to find the positive and find meaning and hope. And it's just like, so powerful. So definitely, oh my gosh, you have to read it personally. That's. How I feel, yeah, but definitely going to all right in my Amazon Yes, and and, or maybe I can get a copy for you, because I'm going to be able to meet you in person. Because, Ruslana, you're going to be joining us here at Native yoga center on Monday, January 27 for the resonance retreat, which we're going to do a dual lead exploration of mind and sound at 715 and we're also going to open it up to live stream. So for those of you listening, if you'd like to tune in, there's a link in the description. You can click on that. And Ruslana, you're being kind enough to do the event donation based, which is amazing. I know you're traveling right around right now because you are launching your new book, which is titled, activating our 12 stranded DNA, Secrets of Dodd, cahedral DNA, for completing our human evolution. Whoa, so, where do we start? First of all, what is your book about you. Wrote a book that's incredible. Tell me what your book is about. Thank you. So the book hits a lot of different keys when you see the title. My biggest ask is not to be intimidated, not to be intimidated just because it has the words DNA in it. The book is written for everyone. It's written in a way that is meant to engage with a person's ability to love, feel emotions, remember, hope. The book has a number of different keys. So in my book, I talk about the future of being human, the future of how DNA can be so much more complex, which is already an inherent understanding. But what are the next possibilities of what makes up our our makeup, the other keys, also which are significant to DNA is how sound and intention impacts our ability to heal, not just to heal, but to consciously evolve ourselves, a huge underlying concept in this time that we live in water is a significant topic in my book as well. I was inspired to take the angles of a dodecahedron, which I'll talk a little bit about later, and sonify them on my harp. So I took 10 frequencies and put them on an auto harp, and I played it to meet to water, and using a method that, similarly to Dr Emoto Masaru and VEDA Austin, I would play this harp music, which is infused with the dodecahedral frequencies, which is a projection of the future of human DNA, and I wanted to see what water would would respond, what what kind of patterns would it reveal? What message does it have to offer? So that's all in the book. Other things in the book are how grief and trauma and how we carry this information can be an ally into how we decide to transmute and evolve and kind of move on, move up a level in the next way that, in a way that we can interface with blood to light, interface with life in a more meaningful way, animal wisdom, angelic communication. These topics are all circled around one underlying focal point, and that's frequency. Frequency is the the the ship in this book. So I am a sound practitioner. I started my practice at a local yoga studio. I know the owners, cat and Katie, who own the art of us in Richmond, Virginia, which is where I'm originally Well, I live, and I did my sound practice there for almost two years, and one day, one. Of my students or class participants, I'm a student in this as well, which is why I kind of smile and laugh, but I'm a student of this constant practice. But there was a practitioner, a medical practitioner, in my audience, and she says, Why is this not in the hospital? Why is this not in the clinical atmosphere? And I realized that was an angel talking with me. The cosmos brought us together, and she was inviting me to come and experiment with sound healing in a medical in a medical system. Over a couple of months, I started to transition. It's a process of getting there, but the first thing I did was I participated in a nurse week where I gave sound healings, just to nurses and to physicians alike. The results and the feedback the testimonials of these practitioners. They they were in shock of how much sound not only just makes them relaxed, but they're able to re gear and reset while they're in the sterile system, and go and help their patients with a new mood with with a happier, joyful, peaceful mood. It makes sense. It makes it's not just about making sense. It's safer to include frequency healing into a medical system where not only patients are getting treatments, but also we care about our first responders. We care about the staff, the staff they drive the show. So, good point. Yeah. So those nurses they they advocated for this ancient practice to appear, and I started giving sound sessions at on palliative care for almost six months now. Nice, very cool. Well, what is your background? I went to so I have a bachelor's in biology and chemistry, and then I had my master's in chemistry. Wow. When I graduated, I landed a job as a chemist, a bench level, entry level chemist in this contract research organization called pharmaceutical product development. I spent a cumulative 10 years working for for them, until they merged and became Thermo Fisher Scientific. And I worked on a number of different assays, different experiments, particularly with vaccine sciences, cell based assays, and the immunochemistry department as well. So yeah, it's there. Came to there came a point where, in my awakening, which I believe is more of a listening to the calling, where I realized that I'm so unhappy because I'm not doing I'm not working in a way that's impacting the way that I want to create impact in our world. Yeah, amazing. And so at this point, you decide I'm going to write a book, and I because, like when you write a book, it's a big project and it takes, I would imagine, the energy and the time to set aside to write. So did you continue to work in that field while you wrote this book? Or did you say I cut ties? I'm out, and I'm going to devote all of my time to writing and and then publish. What was the what did that look like in relation to the timeline? Yeah, that was in a very intriguing time when Coronavirus came into our world. I decided at the time I. There's sort of an epi cycle to how I was. I worked in pharma for seven years, and then when my father passed, I started the spiritual awakening. I left pharmaceuticals to actually open my food truck, which was initially a juice truck. So I, you know, I made smoothies and healthy eats for about a year, until I expanded and became a coffee shop as well. So I had those businesses running for about two and a half years, and then Coronavirus happened at the time. I wanted to, because of the uncertainty, I wanted to close the shops and go back to my former employer. But again, something was calling me, which I understood that that would be a temporary incubator, and I wanted to start writing. I didn't know what I was going to write about, but I trusted the intuition, and I started writing five minutes a day. I'm embarrassed to show my initial writings. I was not a writer at all when I first began. Actually, I didn't know how to express myself in writing, even in journaling. It felt a bit awkward to me, but I knew that I had sort of a an uprising in my in my voice that wanted something, wanted to be relayed, and I didn't understand what it was, but I trusted it. So I started writing five minutes a day for about two years, and cumulatively, it in my writing, I realized that I was resonating and kind of leaning into healing a lot, and the reason for that is for my own it started with my own healing. But there's something much more expansive that wanted to be transmitted. It was something about global consciousness. It was something about how we are entering a time, sort of a projection of the future, where things are just going to go very everything's going to become very new to us. And when I wrote this manuscript at the time, it was called the evolution of healing, I didn't realize how this embryo manuscript at the time would become something much more expansive. So two and a half years, I'm working in corporate after I after the Coronavirus came along, and I decided that this book, this manuscript, it wasn't a book at the time, it was just a collection of words. Was asking me to commit, by commit, I mean, take that leap. So I did. I left my corporate world, and this is the second time I did after the first one, after my father died and I devoted myself. There's a point before I yeah, I fully devoted myself. I found a publisher in her traditions who believed in this vision. And for two and a half years this book came into existence, and what by what I mean by that it didn't just happen overnight. I spent this was my job. I worked on my book 16 hours a day, fully committed to it. It has its own very fulfilling but complex journey. Wow. Well, I mean, I'm so curious, in relation to your idea of the evolution of our DNA, what is you? What do you what theory are you postulating? Are you saying? Are you thinking that there will be some sort of leap in our DNA makeup that will create a different scenario than what we see Currently, we are inherently complex, and we are not meant to be static beings. Our capabilities go beyond what was originally established by that. I mean having two strands of DNA, that's. Was a that was a rudimentary step into how we can progress our understanding of our DNA in the coming future. What I'm postulating is a network of ideas that we've already legacies that we were given in history, with knowledge that we have now, and kind of the kind of an intuitive direction with where things are going, in our in our technology, in our curious curiosity, global curiosity, and the spiritual kind of rebelliousness that we're this world is is currently experiencing. It's all heading into the direction of the human DNA, which can which is the primary library that is operating this planet. DNA is, yeah, DNA is the information center of our universe. I hear you. I feel like I think about DNA occasionally, especially when I talk to people like you that have studied science, I would say, How many times does DNA pop up in my in my day to day, in relation to conversation, not very much. So I'm curious. Then, talk a little please, tell me a little bit more about how and why DNA is speaking to you in relation to Well, I think that's fascinating, like what you said about the library like this, this information, this code of information that is our as our makeup, and I understand it a little bit from the idea in relation to and correct me if I'm wrong or if I'm way off the mark here, in terms of yoga philosophy, this idea of samskaras, or like habit patterns that are just constantly occurring over and over and over again. And potentially we could, we could relate that to our DNA makeup and I or we can also look at it through environmental moment by moment. You say something to me and it hurts my feelings and I have some sort of reaction, and that could create a habit, pattern of emotion that, if I don't address it at that time, might build and build and build and eventually that, I guess my own understanding is that that could come into my DNA, or my DNA could change gradually. I'm getting the feeling from you that you're saying you feel that through sound, we could speed up that healing slash DNA evolutionary process. Am I close to the right mark? Am I understanding it properly? Yeah, I mean, it's your expression and perspective are as significant at an add on to this conversation of, what is DNA? I think that is the primary question that we will be reevaluating, and are we as as recent, recent science and studies show that DNA is not a fixed molecule, and there are a number DNA. Human DNA exists in a number of different forms. There was an article that I was recently reading that showed that scientists are now finding that DNA has over 20 different forms, um, and this isn't news anymore. Um, this was actually established, I think, in 2021 but there are a number of universities that are seeing a four stranded, healthy human DNA, yeah, what does that reveal? I'm sorry. What does that reveal? It reveals that the information that we thought we are 72 years ago as of this year. Is much more. There's much more to the story is that, is it 72 years ago that that, that science, discovered DNA. It's only been 72 years. It's. Uh, it's only been 72 years, um, but we're still living in this facade that many people associate by many people. I mean, that's it's understandable, because we've been taught and conditioned that DNA is a double helix, and it is. But what I'm trying to stir is our curiosity to continue reevaluating kind of the peripherals that we haven't considered about DNA. I believe that the 12 stranded DNA consists more of a configuration the form is different from what we originally thought. In my book, I go over the history of Plato and how he reveals and very generously gave a legacy to us, 2000 years ago, of the platonic solids. There's five platonic solids, there's the tetrahedron, there's the octahedron, the dodecahedron, the ecosahedron, and and then the cube. Okay, thank you. This is all new info for me. So thank you so much. And each each solid symbolizes an element. Okay, I'm just gonna focus more on the dodecahedron and the ecosahedron. So the dodecahedron symbolizes ether, the universe, and the ecosahedron symbolizes water. Okay. Well, interestingly, let's talk about the parallelism that exists norm in nature as we know it, with DNA. DNA, the DNA molecule is shelled by water. The water molecule, a water molecule encapsulates a DNA molecule that's profound. That's profound, when you start thinking about what we are currently discovering about water, water knowledge, Water Wisdom, kind of new capabilities that we never knew about water is and how does that impact DNA? That that's that's another question that I think will is it's essential to dive into in future research. But going back to Plato's solids, with the dodecahedron and the ecosahedron. Well, in nature, they're a dual couple. They're a dual pair, and what they're capable of doing is that they exist not only together, but they can interchangeably be one so they can change forms with within each other. Interesting, yes, oh, that makes my mind, yeah, please continue. And while that might not mean, while that might not have much meaning in the third dimension, I think that in the fourth dimension, where this interchangeability mechanism exists, is where we can start to imagine the DNA molecule in a different way and on a new plane, in the fourth dimension, the fourth dimension, I think, will unveil a lot of new information about DNA. What is your thought about the fourth dimension in relation to inevitability that we are headed into a new dimension, versus how much role does do humans play in the fourth dimension, or the next dimension, coming into Our ability to observe? Observe it. Are we? Is it something that if humans don't do something, it won't happen? Or is it inevitable, in your opinion, that we are headed into this territory, regardless of whether we do anything or not? Yeah, that's. The golden question. Cool, I hear you. I know it's good. I mean the fact that I love the idea that you're bringing up, like almost this shape shifting component, where these two different molecules are able to be independent and individual, but yet they can, they can almost shape shift into each other and be one but same separate. So I guess right away, my mind goes down this idea of like, well, in relation to fluidity of water, and then if we are, I've always heard, I mean, again, I understand that, like, Oh my gosh. Of course, my mind starts to go, fact check. Do we have to fact check? And all these different ideas. But maybe that's part of the old third dimension, and and like, and then, of course, like, I've been around a lot of the New Age Movement for a long time in different parts of the world, and heard different ideas. And some of the ideas are like, you know, obviously we're making some sort of evolutionary transition into this new thing. And at one point it was like, it's gonna happen in 2020 and then it was gonna happen in, you know, a different time period, and the next year, and it's like, the goal post keeps getting moved. And, you know, we're like, well, when is this thing going to happen where everything's going to be good all of a sudden? And I just say I have a lot of these questions too. So I like the fact that you are coming up with a theory and an idea. So I just want to hear more about what you think we can do and or what your vision ultimately or what you're aiming to achieve. The fact checking is, is good, it's, it's, it's a metric, and it keeps us grounded with the fourth dimension that's the next step for us. We, a lot of us, are talking about fifth dimensions. We already are in the fifth dimension. We are in the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, 10th, 11th, 12th. And on dimensions, we already exist in it, because we are in all interconnected. We are living in one field, universal field understood. This is the idea behind quantum Yeah. The reason why I'm saying fact checking is important is because the fourth dimension is going to be palpable to the human being. This is where we need to go next to understand more about life, more about ourselves, and more about science, nature, arts. This is where fact checking is necessary, and the fourth dimension and how we're going to be able to learn and understand more empirically, but also continue probing with the spiritual essence that's driving this whole ship. Who? That's a good one. Do you? You're laying on the ground. Someone is creating a sound vibration. You feel something inside of you, an emotion. It might be like a heat sensation, cool sensation, some type of sensation is happening. Are you thinking that if we train the mind to do something in particular during that that that would be the portal into communication in a different realm. Yes, actually, this is wonderful. Um, this so sound frequency. Um, that modality that is becoming, well, it's always existed, but it's becoming more pronounced in our society, with sound healing and with kind of the new medical approaches that we're making. And it's awesome. We're continuing this, the new, under the new we're redefining what frequency even means. But let's, let's just slow down for a bit and focus on what you said, that frequency that is manipulated. You're creating that frequency because we know that Earth already has its own frequency right when you slow down and you create a sound that isn't necessarily just a frequency, but it creates harmony. It balances. The body, the mind, the vibration of your cells, your DNA, it's it's an environmental stimulus, right? We already know epigenetics contributes to the quality of our genes, trajectory. We know this already, but on a psychic level, I believe the psychic plane and the ethereal plane are should be the first thing that we consider in this equation, because we are cons, DNA is constantly being informed. That is how we are able to manifest, how we're able to experience life and any kinds of information when we harmonize, we achieve meta, we become we're rooted with the ground, but we're also connecting with a higher plane, a higher dimension. That's what I mean by meta, like the clouds, we can understand we things become more clear to us. We can start to hear and listen in sounds that are not exactly even around us. We can start to pick up information. This is the next part of being human. I agree it's being in tune and flowing with with frequency. One thing I wanted to mention about the fourth dimension before we move on, light. Light is a significant way to measure in the fourth dimension as well. We know we talk about sound and light as being complimentary, and they are, but in the fourth dimension, light is going to be instrumental in how we are able to fact verify future scientific experiments with frequency. It's I think this is very important, even if it doesn't make any sense right now, that's fine, but let it be spoken that light and sound and the fourth dimension are going to be the dual pair that helps us understand more about DNA. How would you slash do you implement light into your sound? Journeys? Experiences with with people. Have you had a chance to bring that into the equation, or have you focused solely on sound up to this point? That's a wonderful question. Well, I'm going to take this analogy about the moon and the sun and how the moon is a reflection of the sun's rays that illuminates the darkness for us all in the night time, right? Well, in a similar way, I believe that sound is, is, is sort of like the moon, and what we are being awakened by that light is actually within our DNA. It's the memories that are unfolding and that we're interfacing with, even if it even if it feels emotional, because when people experience frequency, it is a physiological experience. This is known. There are many white papers and academic papers that prove this, sound and frequency emit and invoke a physiological response. That's why music is so powerful and accepted in the science world. But in the similar way, if we consider frequency in the sound healing, we do understand when it penetrates our cells, it also penetrates water and interacts with our DNA in a way that when we have this transformative, profound sound experience and we get in. Into a deep rest. Sometimes, you know, people are are sleeping, but they wake up feeling like they have been on a journey, even if it even with disease and the snores they they they have come back from a very powerful experience. And they are, there is release. There's a detox that happens, there's joy, there's peace, even if it's uncomfortable, which also happens in sound healing. It's still a detox cycle, because that emotion that is so deep, deeply situated in our fascia and in our DNA and in our complex system, it wants to emerge, and when it emerges, there's also release in that as well. So to answer your question, full circle, I think that when we have harmony, we are more we have a higher possibility to experience more understanding of the world and ourselves. I agree absolutely, you're right. Russana, I first of all, I love the analogy of the moon reflecting sunlight and bringing light to the night, and then the idea of sound, and then our water molecules having a similar type of reflective quality. And I definitely agree that there feels to me like there's such an incredible momentum right now, like just in the world, like there's just so much interesting energy going on in relation to whether it's communication or information or so, I'm a Huge fan of this idea that we are going to evolve into something really great. We are. We already are in a great place, but it's going to even get better. And then I, I'll be very honest, I have my skeptical mind that is always just there. And I and I try to, I try to, like, let that go as much as possible, and I'm working on that. So I appreciate that. I appreciate your clarity in the ideas that you're expressing. And I think I love the idea that you said about going into, say, like a medical facility or a place where people are attempting to heal, like, that's what a hospital is, in essence, or any type of facility where we're going to because we're sick, it makes perfect sense. I'm curious, do you feel that there is more value to the sound that comes from the resonance of like a crystal bowl, versus a collective group getting together and chanting. Do you feel that there is a is one more effective or productive than another, or is it all kind of simmered down into sound in general, and whether it's chanted or sung with the vocal cords or because obviously we have, like, electric music, like, like, and then in the music world, I understand that there's this idea that it's funny, because I like all music. Like, I like really light music, I like really heavy music, and I like joyful music, and I like really dark music, and I kind of like it all. And I know somebody was like, you know, look, but you're a yogi. I thought you'd just be listening to, like, new age music all the time. And I'm like, No, actually, I like punk rock music a lot, you know. And so I'm, I'm curious to your, what is your feeling on, like, the quality of the sound, and is there something that you're striving toward in that field? Absolutely. I believe that the fundamentals of the universe in frequency terms operates through resonance. Resonance is a structure, meaning that if you take a kid on a swing, and you want to get the child to be, you know, getting to a certain level, you gotta push the swing a little higher, right? That's one way of looking at resonance. Another one is you have two. Different tuning forks, and one tuning fork has a higher pitch than the other one that's lower. And then the idea behind resonance in this example is when you play the higher pitch, it brings the frequency of the lower pitch a little bit. It kind of mediates it towards the higher pitch, right? Yeah, and there's, that's where the that's where the specificity is in this kind of healing is, we're not necessarily looking for what free, what specific Well, it depends on the context. But what specific instrument, or you know, frequency, will achieve this physiological response? I actually I side with leaning more towards resonance, and how the resonance is achieving a universal harmony in that structure. So, for instance, when I go and play my I play crystal balls in the hospital because I can't log all of my instruments at once there, what I find is it's important for me to slowly edge into the process. I'm not going to start playing high pitched music or a specific frequency. I'm going to start with with the Root Chakra. Go to sacral, go to solar plexus and go slowly. The next one is the heart, the throat, the third eye and the crown. And then I go all the way back down. So I start with the kind of a calibration system, and then based off of the person's condition, for example, if the person is feeling or is recovering from chemo, from from gastric cancer, stomach cancer, then maybe I will concentrate more on the solar plexus and kind of leave it more towards the lower frequencies, ground, sacral, solar, I have found some very extraordinary experiences where the patient is actually able to identify the exact frequency that I'm using by the bowl. They will, they will just say, what's that one, right? Yeah, after, after the session, and they would say, that particular one, I felt really drawn to. It helped me with my pain. It went away. It's, it's amazing what sound will do. Sound, sound will relieve chronic pain. Sound will bring deep relaxation to people who are experiencing some very complex conditions, and bring solace to families that are grieving, spending time with their loved ones in their last hours. It's such a beautiful, ceremonial and effective modality. Now, interestingly, 432 I won't go into all of this. That's a long discussion. Did you say 432 432 hertz, yeah, the 440 versus 432 ongoing. There's a debate here. Fill me in on well, you just said you didn't want to go down that debate. But what is the debate like? Which one, which one is the most effective frequency? Yes. So there is a ageless debate over 444 40 hertz versus 432 hertz. And again, I'm simply coming from what sound is producing harmony. And you know, if you take the concept of binaural beats. And you put you listen to 440 hertz in your left ear, and you listen to 432 hertz in your right ear. Well, you have eight hertz as that binaural beat difference. Well, eight hertz is Schumann's resonance. Eight Hertz is the the resonant, the frequency that Earth is vibrating on eight Hertz is the frequency that we're able to get into theta brain waves and and go into the most transformative experiences, psychedelic. Experiences in our dream state. So I won't go into the whole why this one's better than the other. I'm simply coming from what is producing harmony. That's that's what we want. Yes, that makes sense. But oh, so that's why I mentioned it. 432, there are, there are a number of companies now that are researching the effectiveness of frequency as a as it's present, presented in sound healing to hospitals. Now, actually, this is becoming a thing, and there's more technology research around this, where people are product engineering engineers are starting to understand that frequency actually works in relieving stress and really in creating more ambient environments and hospitals can benefit them and their customers and their audience are for clinical systems. Gosh, that's so cool to think about that, that I would be at the hospital and they would have even music piped in, these sound frequency healing kind of sounds coming through, versus like I just had where Our yoga studio is. The Plaza has speakers all around. And this morning, they switched the music to a country channel, and they turned it up. So I came in really bright and early this morning, at 530 and I hear this, like, really loud country music, and I'm like, What the heck? What's going on? All of a sudden, now, if they put like 432, and everybody walk around the plaza was hearing this, like, really peaceful sort of ambient sound. What an incredible experiment to just see. Like, what if we did put more of these ambient sounds in our environment? What what kind of effect would that even have on, like, people wanting to fight each other and people wanting to argue and people getting really upset about it. So that's that's so cool and interesting to think about. And then I guess I was thinking when you said that, like, Are there places that you can go where there's like, sound chambers that you go in and just get immersed? But then I thought, well, that's kind of what you're doing when you're doing a sound Bowl experience in a studio or a room or hospital or wherever you're creating a sound chamber. What is your thoughts on a human playing a bowl versus listening to a pre recorded sound journey? Yeah, that's also a debated question. I think that there is a lot of benefit to listening to it in real time, just so that the body gets to actually experience the wave, um, when? When you play a gong, for instance, you can feel the the wave of the gong go through your entire body. You can feel it connect with your heart. It's a different kind of experience than it's amazing. You're right, it's absolutely amazing on that note. Ruslana, you have, did you create, you created a recording that's coming out? Yes, called the you have a new sound album coming out? I think yes. So in chapter 17 of my book, I identified 10 specific dodecahedral frequencies, which I explained in the book How I came arrived to this realization of these frequencies, and I decided to create music with them. So they are not the Sol Facio frequencies, but now they're sort of an innovative category of their own, called the new sound frequencies as a sort of a child of this book. Nice. Oh my gosh, that's amazing. And that comes out when it'll be out in March. I haven't picked a date yet, but March will be I'll be back from the journey, and it'll be a good time in early spring, very cool, and you're touring right now to multiple locations where for your book release, we'll do like a book tour. And that's why I'm so excited you're going to be here in Florida, and we're going to have the chance to meet you in person on. And our date is Monday, January 27 at 715 and we're going to have the link. So if people want to join in, you, and I already conversed a little bit about the reality of that people that'll be joining in live stream, we can't guarantee the sound quality is going to be beautiful. It's going to be amazing. And people you'd love for you to join. Yes, that would be incredible. And again, you're being extremely generous by just creating it at donation base so anybody can come. We're trying to make it as accessible as possible. I really appreciate, Ruslana, all of the energy that you are putting into it, and I feel like my own personal offerings of sound healing is only going to improve by being by learning from you and being around you, because you're taking it to us a level of exploration and appreciation that that I'm still really learning about. And just I feel like this is so fascinating to me, and I've just been kind of jumping in and like playing sound bowls, going I like these, but I haven't really thought about my DNA while I'm doing it. I haven't really thought about the potential for change that could occur just with something, I say simple, you know, it maybe it's not super simple. Maybe it's really amazing and complicated and but it seems so simple. So I'm excited, and I really appreciate this opportunity. Is there anything Rana, I know I want to stay right on track in time with you, because you have we both, because I know you have a busy schedule. Is there anything that you'd like to conclude with to close our podcast conversation today. Thank you, Todd, for the opportunity to connect with you and your audience. Thank you all. We would love for you to join us in a virtual sound bath. If you can, it'll be live, so there will be a bath in person. But if you can do virtual great, because we are all connected through this quantum field that we live in inevitably and miraculously. Yes, this is donation based. We I'm just really excited to be at one as a community. So thank you so much. Todd, that was it. That's all that I wanted to say is thank you. Encourage people to join even, even if it's just to close your eyes and believe, believe in yourself and believe in the great direction that we're all going into. I agree. Amazing. Ruslana, thank you so much, and I'm so excited I can't wait. Thank you, Todd. Thank you. Native yoga. Todd. Cast is produced by myself. The theme music is dreamed up by Bryce Allen. If you like this show, let me know if there's room for improvement. I want to hear that too. We are curious to know what you think and what you want more of what I can improve. And if you have ideas for future guests or topics, please send us your thoughts to info at Native yoga center. You can find us at Native yoga center.com, and hey, if you did like this episode, share it with your friends. Rate it and review and join us next time you for you know you.